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Consultations and Classes
with Hallie Iglehart Austen

Hallie offers private consultations on Slowing to the Speed of Love with the Goddess, Wisdom Healing Zhineng Qigong, Senoi dreamwork and rituals for life transitions. She also offers Qigong classes online and in Mill Valley, California, and Santa Fe, New Mexico. For more information, contact Hallie.
Hallie is a certified teacher in the lineage of Master Mingtong Gu ( and Grandmaster Dr. Pang Ming, founder of the Qigong Hospital in China. She has been teaching meditation, Senoi dreamwork and healing since 1974. She is the author of Womanspirit and The Heart of the Goddess and founder of This practice has been a significant component in her recovery from long-term Lyme’s Disease.
Classes open to all, regardless of experience, condition or ability to pay. For registration and directions contact Hallie.
Though complementary to medical treatment, information on this site is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.
“The ritual you created for us to prepare for our wedding was simply beautiful. We walked your labyrinth with the invitation to “blow a bubble” when we thought of something we wished to “let go of” before stepping into our sacred union. So heartfelt, revelatory and fun–something I would encourage all to do before approaching such a pivotal rite of passage. Many thanks!” –Merileigh and Ryan
“You told me two years ago to pay closer attention to my body when I meditate, and that exercise can be my meditation. I cannot thank you enough for that. I really do ‘feel’ my body more.” —Aidan Johnson, lawyer and community activist, Hamilton-Niagara, Canada
“Thanks again for a wonderful chi gong class today. It was my most powerful experience so far with working the chi field. You are so excellent at inspiring others to get in touch with the field.”
— Meave O’Connor,Aacupressure Practitioner, Berkeley, CA
“I experience Hallie as a very clear and compassionate teacher. Over time her Qigong class has become one of the energetic highlights of my week- a safe place to reconnect and be nourished by the benevolent force field that we all come from. Hallie brings all the qualities I appreciate in a superb teacher to her Wisdom Healing Qigong classes: clear and precise instructions embedded in a field of compassion and profound understanding for the human condition. For people of all ages, bodies of all shapes with closed and open hearts.. just open your mind a little.. and start to heal.”
— Dr. Brigitte Essl, Mill Valley, CA
“This practice helped heal me from long term PTSD and to feel that I live in a safe world. Thanks for the gift of qigong!”
—P.J., Larkspur, CA
“Hallie, when I came to my first class, I was exhausted, stressed, and in pain physically and emotionally from dealing with Lyme Disease. The class was so healing on so many levels and had a profound impact on me. I can hardly believe the sense of peace and the open heart that stayed with me throughout the day. In some ways that has been even more important than the relief of the bodily pain. . It was wonderful to be in such a warm, nurturing environment. What I think of as the Peace of Chi has been with me all day. I look forward to diving more deeply into this practice.”
— Sue Sheridan, Mill Valley, CA
“Wisdom Healing Qigong has been an important part in my recovery from cancer. Hallie’s classes have been a mainstay. At 81 years old, I have not been able to do wall squats without hurting my knees—until I came to Hallie’s class. Her teaching is rich with visual descriptions that help me with my challenges with visualizing. I appreciate that she gives gentle individual attention as she nurtures and encourages each student’s practice. I am so grateful for the opportunity to deepen and strengthen my practice with Hallie.”
— Malini Schuyten, retired school teacher, Corte Madera, CA
“Thank you so much, Hallie, for the qigong class. It was absolutely phenomenal! Extremely healing and life-changing.”
— Elena Higgins, Indigie Femme musician, Santa Fe, NM
“Five minutes with Hallie and she transformed my qigong practice from an ‘effortful struggle and strain to achieve’ into one of relaxation and pure enjoyment’; a guidance which is rippling through all aspects of my life. Many thanks!”
— Mark, Business Consultant, Antioch CA
“Thank you for sharing Qigong with us, we LOVE IT!!! We’ve been doing our version of Qigong almost every morning. I’m experiencing a level of happiness that’s so wonderful. What a blessing you have shared with us.”
— With much love, Joe and Althea Cajero, sculptor and jeweler,
Placitas, NM
“When I came to Hallie’s qigong class I was utterly exhausted from my work getting solar electricity to Black Mesa, my homeland in Navajo Nation. The project was successful but so stressful: I felt as though I had been run over by a truck. It only took three qigong classes for me to feel as though my mind, my body and my heart were once again reunited. I felt like my spirit had caught back up with my body.”
— M.R.
“I have so appreciated the thoughtfulness and care that go into every class i take with Hallie. her passion for this work shines through and i come away from her class feeling lighter, stronger and inspired with new ideas to practice and ponder!”
— Jane H.
“Often, after attending Hallie’s qigong classes, I experience the most peaceful, calm, and balanced aliveness for the rest of the day and then some. Her teaching is clear and rich. She’s personal and encouraging in her way of meeting each student where he or she is and reflecting back his or her strengths and gifts. What I love best is how Hallie creates community and a strong chi, energy field within the group.”
— Barbara Zilber, Transformational Life Coach, San Anselmo, CA
“Thanks and Mondo THANKS for last night. It’s still with me. Great session, wonderful instruction, great practice, WONDERFUL CHI!”
— Jon Leland, president,, San Rafael, CA
“Thank you for the wonderful practice. I continue to be deeply moved by you, the sacred space you create and in your language honoring the Feminine within us all as well. This nourishes me deeply.”
— Jane Ellen, Certified Flower Essence Practitioner, San Francisco
“At the healing intensive, you added soooo much to my ability to visualize and embody the practice. I’m so grateful.”
— Tori Janaya, San Diego, Guide for the Inner Journey
“Hallie’s chi gung classes are like giving yourself a healing vacation. I come away from her classes feeling nourished, supported, and expansive. I organize my schedule around her class schedule so I can attend as many as possible. I highly recommend them for beginning or advanced students alike.”
— Juliette Hanauer, Mill Valley, CA, Documentary Film Producer
“I really appreciated your attention to detail in setting the safe space/container/intention for this important work of Senoi Dream Improvisational Theater. It was quite powerful. It allowed me to face with fresh eyes the pain of a vivid, recurring nightmare. Thanks to a highly supportive dream team, I re-discovered and re-claimed my power, worked through past related hurts, and re-patterned the dream into a peaceful resolution. I learned many valuable lessons in the process. Thanks again.”
—Michael Jeung, Mill Valley, CA
“Thank you for the wonderful experience of the Senoi Dream Workshop! Although I have been practicing the technique for a while,I found great value as an active participant in enacting someone else’s dream. Even though it was not my dream, simply enacting part of it gave me great insight about what we humans fear–and how by focusing on the fear and pain we miss the bigger picture and make that fear and pain bigger. I recommend this workshop to anyone willing to know themselves at a deeper level. Thank you Hallie for facilitating such a powerful tool!”
— Giselle Gianella Gabe, Peru